The outcome for the Maryland Design Excellence and Innovation Commission legislation in the 2016 Maryland General Assembly was not dissimilar to the 2015 Session. The exceptional panels who presented testimony opened the possibility of more understanding among the members of both the Senate Finance and House Economic Matters Committees. The bills have now been held over until the 2017 Session so supporters of the legislation within the design community can negotiate solid collaborative agreements, especially with Open Works Maker Space that is due to open this fall. There will be more opportunities to interact with Maryland Legislators to help them gain further understanding of the value of design for growth and the quality of life in the State.
The collaboration between Open Works and the Maryland Design Excellence & Innovation Commission will be a mutually beneficial arrangement, since the Commission is in need of physical space for prototyping, and the possibility that new products may emerge to be licensed and produced within Maryland. Similarly, Open Works is in need of professional design guidance to develop design research and design-based instructional programs to be responsive to people’s need for design training.
Periodic updates about summer briefings with legislators during 2016 will be announced on this website. Volunteers are needed to meet face-to-face with legislators in Annapolis or in the legislator’s home district office to speak with them in more detail about the necessity of design and its importance to innovation and growth in Maryland.